Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and the allied health fields. It offers access to health care articles, books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, and audiovisual materials.
In addition to the CINAHL original content, CINAHL Plus includes over 300 additional journals; new materials such as Evidence-Based Care Sheets, Quick Lessons, and Search Strategies; expanded searchable cited records; and indexing for important journals in nursing and allied health dating back to 1937.
A comprehensive bibliographic resource covering international literature in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. Simultaneously searches MEDLINE records as well as other bibliographic databases. Note: Setting up a user name and password within this resource will allow you to save your search strategies for future use.
PubMed comprises more than 29 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Links are available from PubMed to full text articles (Fulltext@MSK) provided by the MSK Library. Register for a PubMed workshop for additional training on searching the database and leveraging search results.
One of the largest abstract and citation databases containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Scope of subjects include: medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, health sciences and more.
A multidisciplinary resource covering open access materials, conference proceedings, and scholarly publications. Access is also available to the Science Citation Index, and social sciences, arts, and humanities fields.