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Breast Imaging Service

Information for attendings, fellows, and other members of the Service


The detailed search strategy and RSS feed provided on this page will help to streamline various projects related to the research published by Breast Imaging Service faculty at MSK. Also, the BIS group page in Synapse contains all publications authored by faculty while at MSK. It can be another source of productivity and workflow support. There is about a one month lag between newly published research and when it gets added to Synapse.

NOTE: Scopus no longer offers an RSS feed. To run a search for Breast Imaging Service publications, go to Scopus and enter the following:
AU-ID ( "Aboody, Linda R." 6507215798 ) OR AU-ID ( "Amir, Tali" 56652094300 ) OR AU-ID ( "Belen, Kristin M. " 55023830100 ) OR AU-ID ( "Bryce, Yolanda C.D. " 55840853800 ) OR AU-ID ( "Choi, Andrew Y." 55623789400 ) OR AU-ID ( "Comstock, Christopher E." 8903111800 ) OR AU-ID ( "D'Alessio, Donna" 55917488600 ) OR AU-ID ("Desperito, Elise" 6507634748) OR AU-ID ( "Eskreis-Winkler, Sarah" 51963422000 ) OR AU-ID ( "Feigin, Kimberly N." 14119613600 ) OR AU-ID ( "Gluskin, Jill S. " 54388946700 ) OR AU-ID ( "Hogan, Molly P." 56949953000 ) OR AU-ID ( "Huang, Tammy" 7404962313 ) OR AU-ID ( "Huang, Tammy" 57191052973 ) OR AU-ID ( "Hughes, Mary C." 56179176800 ) OR AU-ID ( "Jacobs, Stefanie S." 7402313395 ) OR AU-ID ( "Jochelson, Maxine S." 6603842704 ) OR AU-ID ( "Kaplan, Jennifer B." 7402737508 ) OR AU-ID ( "Keating, Delia M." 7004981187 ) OR AU-ID ( "LaGratta, Maria Divina"   55542184600 ) OR AU-ID ("Lin, Clarissa" 57678516500) OR AU-ID ("Lisi, Virna" 6506720044) OR AU-ID ( "Lo Gullo, Roberto" 56561810300 ) OR AU-ID ( "Mango, Victoria L." 56444455800 ) OR AU-ID ( "Pinker-Domenig, Katja" 6506283237 ) OR AU-ID ( "Pinnamaneni, Niveditha"   23398014900 ) OR AU-ID ( "Reiner, Jeffrey S." 8570989400 ) OR AU-ID ( "Saphier, Nicole Berardoni" 36676989700 ) OR AU-ID ( "Sung, Janice S." 37051299100 ) OR AU-ID ( "Surovitsky, Marie" 57215387088 ) OR AU-ID ( "Sutton, Elizabeth Jane" 21741246000 ) OR AU-ID ( "Tayyab, Sidra J." 57204742024 ) OR AU-ID ( "Wajsbrot, Barbara" 6503860735 )

For questions about the search strategies or guidance on your research, contact Johanna Goldberg.

Publications in PubMed

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Copy and paste the following search strategy directly into the PubMed search box:

sloan kettering[ad] AND ("Breast"[mesh] OR "Breast Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR breast*[tiab] OR mammo*[tiab] OR mamma*[tiab]) AND (aboody[au] OR amir[au] ​OR belen[au] OR brennan s[au] OR bryce y[au] OR choi a[au] OR comstock[au] OR d'alessio[au] OR demartino[au] OR desperito[au] OR domenig[au] OR eskreis [au] OR feigin k[au] OR gluskin[au] OR hogan m[au] OR horvat j[au] OR huang t[au] OR hughes m[au] OR jacobs s[au] OR jochelson[au] OR javed[au] OR kandel[au] OR kaplan j[au] OR keating[au] OR kelly l[au] OR lin clarissa[au] OR lisi v[au] OR lo gullo[au] OR logullo[au] OR machado[au] OR mango[au] OR pinker[au] OR reiner j[au] OR saphier[au] OR sung j[au] OR surovitsky[au] OR sutton[au] OR tayyab[au] OR valentine[au] OR vincenti[au] OR wajsbrot[au] OR winkler[au])

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