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MSK Archives: Collections

This guide provides an overview of the Archives at MSK, including a description of our existing holdings, collecting areas, and how to use and access materials

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First Time Searching ArchivesSpace?

If you are not familiar with ArchivesSpace, the online catalog that contains our archival collections description, you can learn how to use the system using this video created by Northern Colorado University.

Collecting Areas

The materials housed in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Archives are categorized into four main collecting areas, which are described below.

MH = Memorial Hospital and earlier records, 1884 – 1980
SKI = Sloan Kettering Institute records, 1945 – 1980
MSK = Memorial Sloan Kettering records, 1964 – present
MSS = outside donations; manuscripts, 1884 – present

Thinking of Donating Items?

The MSK Archives grows its collections primarily through donations from both internal and external partners. If you have materials that you think would go well in the MSK Archives, you may begin the donation process by reaching out to either of the two Archival representatives listed below. Please detail any information that would help staff understand and care for these materials, including extent of the collections, authors, and any relevant copyright or otherwise protected information in the materials


Sheridan Sayles, Archivist, (646) 988-1735

Collections Policy

As the MSK Archives aims to grow its collections, we are employing a strategic vision to ensure that we are doing our due diligence in documenting as complete a picture of MSK history as we are capable. These goals have been outlined with careful reflection on previous collecting strategies and what harms may have been done through these omissions. 

These goals have been documented in our Collections Policy, which can be accessed in the .pdf linked below.