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BMC Series blog - This resource aims to highlight high-impact, thought-provoking research from across their journals, covering everything from public health to ecology. They write about conferences they have attended, discuss journal developments and open access, and comment on news in the world of research.
Chronicle of Higher Education - Regularly features articles on Open Access, Open Data, and scholarly communication.
FORCE11 - Community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders that aim to bring about a change in modern scholarly communications through the effective use of information technology. Their member blog posts feature open access issues.
OASPA Blog - Official blog of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association.
Open and Shut? - Observer, reporter and OA advocate Richard Poynder's blog.
The Scholarly Kitchen - Scholarly publishing and communication blog of the Society of Scholarly Publishers.
SPARC - News - Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication. Communications cover Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education.
Disclaimer: The accuracy of these feeds is dependent on Google News. All efforts have been made to retrieve on target citations, however on occasion it is possible to view an article not about Open Access because keyword(s) in the search strategy appears in the article but not in the right context.