The eHealth unit works with partners at the global, regional and country level to promote and strengthen the use of ICT in health development, from applications in the field to global governance.
Information from the Health Resources and Services Administration for health care providers and patients about the latest federal efforts to support and promote virtual health care, known as telehealth.
Its mission is to execute a congressional special interest program of medical science and engineering technology research that maximizes benefits to military medicine. TATRC performs medical reconnaissance and special operations to address critical gaps that are underrepresented in Department of Defense medical research programs
The Office of Telehealth Services uses health informatics, disease management and telehealth technologies to target care and case management to improve access to care, improving the health of veterans.
Click on the plus sign by "Telehealth" for more information on the Regulatory Modernization Initiative Telehealth Workgroup, including membership, agendas, and memorandum.
Promotes the development, provision and accessibility of telehealth/telemedicine services in New York state; establishes a telehealth/telemedicine development and research grant fund.