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Patient Education Resource Guide

MSK librarians guiding patients, family members, and caregivers to cancer information

Searching for Articles Online

Receiving news about a diagnosis or treatment may make you want to go directly to the medical literature to see what studies have been done and what has been written. Because they are fairly easy to use and free to access, we recommend you start searching for articles with the following.

  • National Library of Medicine (NLM): PubMed
    • PubMed is a free search engine with millions of records on life science and biomedical topics. Not all articles you find here will include the abstract (i.e., summary) or a link to the full text of the paper, but it is a great place to start. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) maintains this database. They have a PubMed User Guide to answer common questions and Tutorials: PubMed is a playlist of videos on their YouTube channel to show you how it works.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM): PubMed Central (PMC)
    • PMC is a part of PubMed, and the added benefit of searching here specifically is that all the articles you find will link to the full text of the paper.

If you are a member of the MSK patient community and are having a hard time finding or accessing something, the MSK Library is here to help you. Please reach out via our library Ask Us help page.

Learning About Cancer

Another helpful way to learn about a type of cancer or treatment is by going to resources where everything is in one place. After visiting MSK's Cancer Types page and the Patient & Community Education virtual library, you may want to explore elsewhere online, and we recommend the following.

Suggested sites to start learning about cancer:

Other sites with clear and comprehensive information about cancer:

Understanding Medical Terms

Medical literature can be full of complicated and confusing wording. We recommend the sites below to get a better sense for what you are reading.