The physical space of the MSK Library is permanently closed to visitors as of Friday, May 17, 2024. Please visit this guide for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The MSK Library's physical space at 430 E 67th St is now closed in preparation for the construction of MSK's new cancer care Pavilion. Please visit this guide for more information.
Having a hard time finding something? Ask us!
You can get support from MSK Library staff online or by voicemail:
Anything you share with us as information providers is approached with privacy and confidentiality in mind.
If you have any questions about finding information or support, librarians at the MSK Library are here to help!
Our library Ask Us help page features a streamlined question submission form, live chat with Zoom-enabled screen sharing, and lists of frequently asked questions (FAQ Topics).
You can use this Ask Us page to:
The MSK Library is fully virtual, and no longer has a physical space on MSK's main campus. When you call 212-639-7439, you are reaching our Reference Desk voicemail service, and a librarian will call you back. If you need to quickly reach someone, please use our chat, submit a question, or email us directly.
To explore library resources via the MSK Library website, look to the top left of that site for ONESEARCH. You can search across articles, books, and more via the search bar there.
A common question we get at the MSK Library is how to request Radiology images. While we have a similar name to MSK's Film Library, we are two separate libraries, and the MSK Library is not able to send you images.
Instead, please look to this guide for instructions on how to request images through MSK MyChart, our patient portal: Frequently Asked Questions About Viewing Your Radiology Test Results. This page includes email addresses and phone numbers in case you are having difficulty or choose not to sign up for MSK MyChart.
While MSK Library services are only for MSK patients and their family members and caregivers, we hope everyone who explores this guide finds the information they need.
As described in Learning About Cancer on the Getting Started with Cancer Research page of this guide, there are a number of sites we recommend as librarians. Two organizations we list there offer ways to reach their teams to ask cancer-related questions and get help: