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Systematic Review Service

Partnering with MSK community members interested in systematic and related reviews

What is Covidence?

Covidence is an online software platform used for systematic and other related reviews. It helps streamline your review process, with modules for screening, quality assessment, and data extraction.

The MSK Library has a Covidence institutional account, meaning it is available to MSK staff, and there is no limit on the number of reviews you can create. You or your MSK librarian can invite anyone to collaborate on a review there.

Using Covidence at MSK

If you and your team would like to use Covidence for your review, your MSK librarian can set up a project there. They will create a page, import your search results, and invite you and your team members, whether or not they are affiliated with MSK.

If you would like to explore Covidence ahead of time, before your results are delivered, MSK staff can request to join the MSK Library Covidence institutional account here. Enter your name and MSK email address and then accept the email invitation that is sent.

Learn More

Your MSK librarian will walk you through using Covidence for your review. You can also register for an upcoming MSK Library online Covidence class.

Additionally, the Covidence Knowledge Base and Covidence Academy offer numerous step-by-step instructions. You may want to start with one of their recorded or upcoming webinars.

If at any time you are logged into your Covidence account and need help finding or understanding something, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to access support.