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Systematic Review Service

Partnering with MSK community members interested in systematic and related reviews


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Welcome to the MSK Library guide to our Systematic Review Service. 

Here, you will learn about the steps involved in systematic and other related reviews, along with the ways in which the MSK Library can help you throughout the process.

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can reach an MSK librarian using the "Need Help?" box on the bottom left of each page. 

We look forward to partnering with you and your review team on your research project.


Guide developed by Kendra Godwin, MLIS, and Johanna Goldberg, MSLIS.

Thanks to Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives and UNC Health Sciences Library for informing the organization of this guide, the University of Plymouth Library for the use of their question framework content, and CochraneUnity Health Toronto Library Services, and the Karolinska Institutet University Library for use of their images.