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Public Health

Vetted resources and information on current public health events.

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Public Health Resources

U.S. CDC Travel Notices

Disease Surveillance

Disaster Preparedness

MSK Library Resources

Resources and information on a variety of public health topics, including disease surveillance, travel notices, and disaster preparedness
Public Health Emergencies

U.S. Public Health Emergencies

Global Public Health Emergencies

Information on the purpose of public health emergencies, both globally and in the US, including how they are determined and their function
U.S. Diseases of Concern

C. auris

West Nile Virus

Tuberculosis (TB)

Valley Fever

Current diseases in the U.S. of epidemiological concern. Note: Most of these are are considered diseases of concern in other parts of the world as well
Global Diseases of Concern

Tuberculosis (TB)


Poliomyelitis (Polio)

MPOX (Monkeypox)

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (eg. Ebola, Marburg, etc.)

Vector-Borne Diseases (eg. Malaria, West Nile Virus, etc.)

Current diseases of epidemiological concern across the globe

HIV/AIDS Research

HIV/AIDS & Cancer

Information and resources on HIV/AIDS including HIV-associated cancers and current research
Opioid Epidemic Information for Providers & First Responders Information, data, and resources on the opioid epidemic in the US, including information for healthcare providers and first responders
The State of Our Health

Healthy People Initiative

Health Disparities

Life Expectancy

Resources and information on the Healthy People Initiative, including annual Health of the Nation.