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A collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, evidence-based information to inform healthcare decision making. These include the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Cochrane Clinical Answers.
Access to more than 100 medical reference textbooks ranging from surgery and pharmacology to basic and clinical sciences. Includes frequently updated content with thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessments, case files, diagnostic tools, and more.
Ebooks are readable online; in order to download a PDF you will need to create a personal account with Elsevier/ClinicalKey. To register for a new account on ClinicalKey, click the “Register” link in the top right while on the ClinicalKey platform. Enter your name and MSKCC email on the registration form.
ClinicalKey provides streamlined access to evidence-based information for clinicians, including quick answers at the point of care. It includes more than 1,000 medical books published by Elsevier including key texts used in medical education such as Gray's Anatomy, Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, and Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. ClinicalKey also includes more than 650 journals, 3,000 drug monographs, 4,500 practice guidelines. Search and filter through these resources by source type, study type, specialty disciplines, and date.
Bringing together regularly updated research evidence with the knowledge of international experts, BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool that offers a step-by-step approach to help manage patient diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
Provides a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews.
This comprehensive online surgery resource enhances medical knowledge and delivers quick answers to surgical inquiries.
Guidelines can address specific clinical situations (disease-oriented) or use of approved medical products, procedures, or tests (modality-oriented). Using the best available evidence, ASCO’s expert panels identify and develop practice recommendations for specific areas of cancer care that would benefit from the availability of practice guidelines.
This resource provides guidelines for perioperative practice, with quick and easy access to evidence-based recommendations.
Guideline implementation tools include policy and procedure templates, competency verification tools, in-service PowerPoints, case studies, frequently asked questions about guideline topics, and illustrated, step-by-step guides on positioning best practices (indications, prep, positioning, and workflow for pre-, intra-, and post-op), skin prep, anesthesia, and medication.
Database focused on life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. This resource includes content from not only journals but relevant meetings, patents, and books.
This application is available for both iOS and Android devices and is managed by Integrative Medicine Service at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. This resource provides helpful information on many common herbs and dietary supplements and is continually updated.
An interactive program containing medical images and pictures of the entire human body. Allows the user to scroll through radiological images from various planes while adding or limiting the types of structures labeled.
Users may need to re-register with their MSKCC email on a yearly basis; your Cochrane Learning progress should be saved on your profile.
Cochrane Interactive Learning is an online introductory course on how to conduct a systematic review of interventions.
To gain access to learning modules users will need to register first. Cochrane recommends that users register for an account onsite. When offsite, users may be prompted with a proxy message. Users will need to click the “Please click here first” link within the proxy message to complete registration. Additional instructions are available here:
Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and the allied health fields. It offers access to health care articles, books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, and audiovisual materials.
In addition to the CINAHL original content, CINAHL Plus includes over 300 additional journals; new materials such as Evidence-Based Care Sheets, Quick Lessons, and Search Strategies; expanded searchable cited records; and indexing for important journals in nursing and allied health dating back to 1937.
Please note, you may need to log out and log back in to fully restore access to our institutional subscription.
MSK users can create an account onsite/remotely/on VPN/off VPN. Access just requires that a user have a valid email address. To sign up for an account, visit, and enter an MSK email address and create a password.
STAT+ includes exclusive reporting about the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, the health tech industry, science, and coverage at the intersection of health and policy.