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COVID Impacts

Detailed information and resources on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 infection and the broad social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

About this Library Guide

While there have been many epidemics and pandemics throughout history, there has never been one that so rapidly and completely altered the dynamics of life on this planet as COVID-19. This MSK Library Guide is an attempt to identify and highlight the monumental impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had and will continue having on the world.

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic goes far beyond 2020, and it has impacted our world in ways that we may not even realize for years, or even decades down the road. The global social, economic, and health impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about have forever changed our world.

It catalyzed changes to every facet of our lives; from work and school, to social interactions, economics, and healthcare, to international relationships, scientific research, and the environment. Some of these changes will most likely drift back to their pre-pandemic state, but many will likely continue to diverge, further altering our world.

Table of Contents

Sections Pages Contents: Information, Resources and highlighted scientific literature
About COVID The Virus that Changed the World

Information and resources on COVID including data and resources on both the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease (COVID-19).

"Long COVID"

Signs & Symptoms




Cumulative Risks

Pulse Household Survey

Information,on "Long COVID" (wide range of issues and complications affecting a subset of individuals after an acute COVID-19 infection), including signs & symptoms, prevalence, risk factors, Long COVID conditions in children, and the risks of Long Covid after reinfection including cumulative lifetime risks
Long Term Health Consequences












Information by organ system on the wide variety of clinical manifestations of "Long COVID" as well as long-term health, including risk of new-onset diseases.


Secondary Infections

Bacterial Infections

Viral Infections

Fungal Infections

Information on secondary infections (post-COVID infections), antimicrobial resistance, COVID-related and susceptibility to infections, including bacterial, fungal, and viral infections

Long COVID Kids

Long Term Health

Information, data, and resources on the impacts of COVID-19 infection in children and adolescents, including the "Long COVID" conditions, and other long-term health implications.
Societal Impacts

Life Expectancy



Information on how COVID-19 has impacted society, including governmental policies and response, human life expectancy, economic impacts, and how it has changed healthcare
Long Covid Resources   Information and resources on Long COVID, including Long Covid Clinics, research, and patient support